This year, my office decided we would send out an e-mail holiday greeting instead of a printed card. According to rumor, the printed greeting usually gets sent out
post-holiday, and there is always a surplus. They decided to, once again, be green and send out an electronic greeting to all clients/partners AND donate funds to a charity and notify all our clients/partners that we had done so in their name. We chose the
NFF. You can click on the image to see my original photoshop design of the e-greeting, and click
here to see how it looks in HTML. I had never designed using in-line CSS before, but it was really very easy. Just a few small changes. Although, I've been told that e-mail clients sometimes don't pick up everything you want them to, you need to keep the code very lean. I also discovered that
MailChimp will send out e-greetings for free!(to an extent)(you can't just send them from your hotmail : / boo.) Maybe I will send out some holiday greetings of my own....
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